Pari viimeaikaista arvaustani meni oikeaan. Dollari putoaa ja saavutettiin lokaali pohja osakkeissa.
EUR-USD 1.4565
Ei kannata kuitenkaan rynnätä uskoen että lopullinen pohja osakkeissa on saavutettu vaikka putoaminen onkin loppunut vähäksi aikaa. Viimeeksi syyskuussa tälläisen jakson jälkeen tuli raju veto alas. Jatkan toistaiseksi osto-ohjelmaani seuraavan vajaan kahden vuoden ajan, mikäli mikään kovin erikoista ei tapahdu. kahden vuoden jölken paino osakkeissa mulla siis olisi 80% mikäli nuosumarkki lähtee päälle jossakin vaiheessa.
Yhdistetyn salkun(korot+ osakkeet) vuositulos on ilman osinkoja kirjoitushetkellä: -14,3%
No katsellaan mitä uusi vuosi tuo tullessaan, mutta sellainen kutina on että 09 ei ole niin "villi" osakemarkkinoilla kuin 08.
torstai 18. joulukuuta 2008
perjantai 12. joulukuuta 2008
Ship Finance internationalia ostettu
Minun piti ostaa seuraavaksi aasian ETF:ää, mutta tuntuu että DND:n hinta on hivenen liian suuri edelleen. Palaan aasiaan kuitenkin helmikuussa 09.
Nyt tuli hankittua Ship finance internationalia Yhtiö liisaa aluksia shipping(dry & oil) firmoille ja toimii pitkillä sopimuksilla. SFL:llä on yli kymmenen vuoden sopimukset lähes kaikkien asiakkaiden kanssa ja tämä antaa hieman turvaa epävarmassa markkinassa. SFL oli ennen osa frontlinea, jota salkusta jo löytyykin.
Yhtiön osari, jos kiinostaa:
Listaan yhtiön osinko- ja USA-palkkiin.
uudet prossat:
Nyt tuli hankittua Ship finance internationalia Yhtiö liisaa aluksia shipping(dry & oil) firmoille ja toimii pitkillä sopimuksilla. SFL:llä on yli kymmenen vuoden sopimukset lähes kaikkien asiakkaiden kanssa ja tämä antaa hieman turvaa epävarmassa markkinassa. SFL oli ennen osa frontlinea, jota salkusta jo löytyykin.
Yhtiön osari, jos kiinostaa:
Listaan yhtiön osinko- ja USA-palkkiin.
uudet prossat:

keskiviikko 26. marraskuuta 2008
dollari lähti taas putoamaan
Dollari lähti putoamaan pelastuspakettejen johdosta, ja mikäli obamaa on uskominen, tämä ei jää tähän. Tämä vuoksi ostan DND:tä lähiaikoina.
lauantai 15. marraskuuta 2008
Uusin sijoitusaiheinen Kauppalehti Vip
Tossa on paljon mielenkiintoista asiaa, niin aloittelijalle kuin kokeneemmillekin.
Tossa on paljon mielenkiintoista asiaa, niin aloittelijalle kuin kokeneemmillekin.
perjantai 14. marraskuuta 2008
Wärtsilää ostettu
sunnuntai 9. marraskuuta 2008
uudet prosentit
keskiviikko 5. marraskuuta 2008
Ydinvoimaa ja obamaa
No niin nyt se sitten varmisui, Obama on uusi presidentti. Expertit sanovat että Obama haluaa astua euroopan rinnalle uusiutuvan energian lisää misessä. No oma uusiutuvan energian korkea osuus ei kyllä ollut pelattu Obaman voittoa veikaten, mutta positiivinen uutinen kuitenkin. Nyt sitten odotellaan mitä Obama tekee taloudelle, joka on ehkä vielä akuutimpi ongelma kuin CO2-päästöt.
Kiina uhkasi lisätä ydinvoimaa 78:n olkiluodon voimalan verran, joten ydinvoima ETF:t ei näemmä romahtele enää kauheasti.
Panostaja alkoi jostain syystä kirmata ylös juuri ostoni jälkeen. No en tee lyhyttä kauppaa, joten tuo noin 15% voitto jää toistaiseksi lunastamatta. Pävittelen prosentit perjantaina.
Kiina uhkasi lisätä ydinvoimaa 78:n olkiluodon voimalan verran, joten ydinvoima ETF:t ei näemmä romahtele enää kauheasti.
Panostaja alkoi jostain syystä kirmata ylös juuri ostoni jälkeen. No en tee lyhyttä kauppaa, joten tuo noin 15% voitto jää toistaiseksi lunastamatta. Pävittelen prosentit perjantaina.
torstai 30. lokakuuta 2008
Panostajaa ostettu
Ostin panostajaa, joka on ollut ostolistalla jo jonkin aikaa.
yhtiön sivuilta:
"Panostaja Oyj on suomalainen, vakavarainen, yrittäjyyteen perustuva monialakonserni. Toimintamme ydin on suomalaisen yrittäjyyden ja yritystoiminnan kehittäminen. Sen toteuttamiseksi etsimme aktiivisesti pk-yrityksiä, joilla on terve talous ja joissa näemme potentiaalia jalostua alansa kärkiyritysten joukkoon Panostajan tukemana. Yritysten vetäjiksi valikoimme parhaat voimat."
Panostajalle koittaa luultavasti hyviä yritysostopaikkoja seuraavaan vuoden aikana ja ajattelin iskeä kiinni ennen kuin osakesarjat yhdistetään.
Päivittelen prosentit huomenna.
I bought panostaja b share
Panostaja IR
yhtiön sivuilta:
"Panostaja Oyj on suomalainen, vakavarainen, yrittäjyyteen perustuva monialakonserni. Toimintamme ydin on suomalaisen yrittäjyyden ja yritystoiminnan kehittäminen. Sen toteuttamiseksi etsimme aktiivisesti pk-yrityksiä, joilla on terve talous ja joissa näemme potentiaalia jalostua alansa kärkiyritysten joukkoon Panostajan tukemana. Yritysten vetäjiksi valikoimme parhaat voimat."
Panostajalle koittaa luultavasti hyviä yritysostopaikkoja seuraavaan vuoden aikana ja ajattelin iskeä kiinni ennen kuin osakesarjat yhdistetään.
Päivittelen prosentit huomenna.
I bought panostaja b share
Panostaja IR
keskiviikko 29. lokakuuta 2008
Wisdom tree DND ja DEM
Huomasin että wisdom tree:llä on myös EPP:tä vastaavaa indeksiä seuraava etf, DND. Tämän hallinnointi on 0,48%, mutta erona on että indeksistä valitaan vain ns. osinkoyhtiöitä. Osinkopalkkini tarvisee lisää lihaa ja tässä saisin molemmat(aasian ja osingot) samalla kertaa. DND:een australian painotus on myös maltillisempi kuin EPP:ssä.
Pitää nyt vielä harkita jos vaihtaisin valintani tähän DND:hen. Tykkään muutekin Wisdom treen ETF:stä. Erityisesti kehittyvien markkinoiden DEM on ollut ylivertainen muihin vastaaviin nähden. Palailen DEM:iin myöhemmin.
Myin Done solutionsit tänään. Osari ei oikein innostanut. Joka tapauksessa olen ostolinjalla ja jotakin varmaan tulee tilalle jossain välissä :)
Edit: ostan myös donet takas jossakin vaiheessa.
I found interesting alternative to EPP, wisdomtree DND. It uses same index, but takes only "dividend" companies. So buying this i would also get point to dividend companies bar with this asian ETF. Australia's portion is also bit smaller than in epp.
I sold my Done solutions shares bacause i did not like 3rd quarter results. I am trying to bee in "buy-mode" and will actively look for alternatives in next months.
Pitää nyt vielä harkita jos vaihtaisin valintani tähän DND:hen. Tykkään muutekin Wisdom treen ETF:stä. Erityisesti kehittyvien markkinoiden DEM on ollut ylivertainen muihin vastaaviin nähden. Palailen DEM:iin myöhemmin.
Myin Done solutionsit tänään. Osari ei oikein innostanut. Joka tapauksessa olen ostolinjalla ja jotakin varmaan tulee tilalle jossain välissä :)
Edit: ostan myös donet takas jossakin vaiheessa.
I found interesting alternative to EPP, wisdomtree DND. It uses same index, but takes only "dividend" companies. So buying this i would also get point to dividend companies bar with this asian ETF. Australia's portion is also bit smaller than in epp.
I sold my Done solutions shares bacause i did not like 3rd quarter results. I am trying to bee in "buy-mode" and will actively look for alternatives in next months.
sunnuntai 26. lokakuuta 2008
Valitsen ensimmäiseksi aasian rahastosksi EPP:n / EPP is my next buy
Jeps eli tutkiskelin aasiaan sijoittavia etf:ä ja päädyn ostamaan ensimmäiseksi tikkeriä "EPP", mikä on ISharesin aasian rahasto, josta puuttuu japani.
Rahastolla on kokoa $2.6B, eli 2,6 miljardia dollaria, joten ei tarvitse pelätä että ETF lakkautetaan ja liitetään johonkin muuhun. ETF:n liittäminen on kyllä harvinaista, mutta näin on käynyt joillekin pienille erikois-etf:lle vimeaikoina.
Hallinnointi on edullinen 0,5%/a
Japaniin aion sijoittaa myös mutta haluan että se on erillään muusta aasiasta(helpompi dumpata tarvittaessa :) ) Japanin historiallinen kehitys kun pistää hieman ennakkoluuloiseksi.
Hintaa nyt rahastolla on 23 dollaria ja odottelen ostopaikkaan noin 2kk sisällä. Vaikka en TA:han usko paljon niin se sanoo että 17 dollaria tullaan alittamaan,jotta arvot on kohdillaan jenkki-indeksin kanssa. Joka tapauksessa ostan 2kk sisään.
Rahaa isken sen verran että osakkeiden ja korkojen suhde menee 50:50 jakoon nykyisestä.
I did some comparisons of asia etfs and "epp" came to top of my list. Yield is good about 5%-10% (you just cannot know beforehand), Fund also has Net assets of 2.6 billion dollars and expense ratio of only 50 basis points(0.5%). Japan is excluded from this ETF, but i like it that way. I want invest in japan but i treat it as separate case. I will put money to this fund in next 2 months, but i still think price is going lower. After this addition my split will be 50:50. The negative of this fund is it allocation of 40% to financials.
Rahastolla on kokoa $2.6B, eli 2,6 miljardia dollaria, joten ei tarvitse pelätä että ETF lakkautetaan ja liitetään johonkin muuhun. ETF:n liittäminen on kyllä harvinaista, mutta näin on käynyt joillekin pienille erikois-etf:lle vimeaikoina.
Hallinnointi on edullinen 0,5%/a
Japaniin aion sijoittaa myös mutta haluan että se on erillään muusta aasiasta(helpompi dumpata tarvittaessa :) ) Japanin historiallinen kehitys kun pistää hieman ennakkoluuloiseksi.
Hintaa nyt rahastolla on 23 dollaria ja odottelen ostopaikkaan noin 2kk sisällä. Vaikka en TA:han usko paljon niin se sanoo että 17 dollaria tullaan alittamaan,jotta arvot on kohdillaan jenkki-indeksin kanssa. Joka tapauksessa ostan 2kk sisään.
Rahaa isken sen verran että osakkeiden ja korkojen suhde menee 50:50 jakoon nykyisestä.
I did some comparisons of asia etfs and "epp" came to top of my list. Yield is good about 5%-10% (you just cannot know beforehand), Fund also has Net assets of 2.6 billion dollars and expense ratio of only 50 basis points(0.5%). Japan is excluded from this ETF, but i like it that way. I want invest in japan but i treat it as separate case. I will put money to this fund in next 2 months, but i still think price is going lower. After this addition my split will be 50:50. The negative of this fund is it allocation of 40% to financials.
lauantai 18. lokakuuta 2008
Uudet prosentit / New Percentages
Tässä siis uudet prosenttipalkit. Vieläkin mun cashpositio on melko suuri, mutta hivutan parin kolmen kuukauden kuluessa lisää. Seuraavana luonnolisesti on aasia, johon lähden ETF:llä. Muutama sopiva vaihtoehto on jo kiikarissa.
New percentages after recent events. My Cash position is quite big still but i will sift it more to equity durring next tree months. Next thing to buy i Asia and i have some ETFs already in my sight.
New percentages after recent events. My Cash position is quite big still but i will sift it more to equity durring next tree months. Next thing to buy i Asia and i have some ETFs already in my sight.

tiistai 14. lokakuuta 2008
Frontline Ltd bought/ Ostettu frontlinea
Ostin tänään Frontlinea, Bermudalaista öljytankkerifirmaa. Kuljetusyrityksiä ei ole vielä salkussa ja frontilnella on muhkea osinkohistoria. Tämän yhtiön luokittelen USA-laisiin yhtiöhin. Luonnolisesti merkintä menee myös osinkofimrmat palkkiin.
Ennustamani nousuralli tuli nopeammin kuin arvasinkaan. Eri asia onko suunta sama 2kk päästä.
I bought Frontline Ltd today. I wanted some transportaion to my portfolio and a good dividend company and frontline seemed to be both of those. I will count this company to USA section despite its real origin. Naturally mark goes also to dividend companies.
Well the predicted rally came sooner than i imagined. Other thing is whether course is same after two months. Indicators of real economy still look bad.
EDIT: I also sold my IEZ oil services, because of lousy dividend performance and i will get enough exposure to oil with frontline.
Ennustamani nousuralli tuli nopeammin kuin arvasinkaan. Eri asia onko suunta sama 2kk päästä.
I bought Frontline Ltd today. I wanted some transportaion to my portfolio and a good dividend company and frontline seemed to be both of those. I will count this company to USA section despite its real origin. Naturally mark goes also to dividend companies.
Well the predicted rally came sooner than i imagined. Other thing is whether course is same after two months. Indicators of real economy still look bad.
EDIT: I also sold my IEZ oil services, because of lousy dividend performance and i will get enough exposure to oil with frontline.
oil services and equipment
sunnuntai 12. lokakuuta 2008
Ensiviikolla tapahtuu/next week some moves on market
Ostan luultavasti yhtä firmaa jenkeistä ensiviikolla. Jenkki-indeksin ostot taidan kuitenkin toistaiseksi jättää väliin. Lyhyen aikavälin ralli näyttää yhä todennäköisemmältä, jos/kun poliitikot saavat jotakin konkreettista tehtyä YHDESSÄ tilanteen helpottamiseksi.
Some stocks seem to be so freaking low now and i just can not help buying :) Though you should carefully pick what stocks to buy. Key factor is cashflow and own and foreign capital ratio. Presidential election in US somewhat bothers me and market reaction might be something unexpected. So i leave US-indecies alone for now but i will return to them when "sky clears" a bit. Next week i will make some moves.
PS: Hopefully there is not a mushroom cloud behind this storm
Some stocks seem to be so freaking low now and i just can not help buying :) Though you should carefully pick what stocks to buy. Key factor is cashflow and own and foreign capital ratio. Presidential election in US somewhat bothers me and market reaction might be something unexpected. So i leave US-indecies alone for now but i will return to them when "sky clears" a bit. Next week i will make some moves.
PS: Hopefully there is not a mushroom cloud behind this storm
keskiviikko 8. lokakuuta 2008
Kyyti kylmää/ Rough ride
Kyyti on kylmää kun oman salkun osakkeet on pudonneet 20% viimesen kuukauden aikana. Erityisesti osumaa tuli brazilian suunnalta. No Täytyy pysyä strategiassa ja pitää tämä vuosi ostovuotena, kuten suunittelin. OMXH:n 5000 pisteen maaginen raja lähestyy uhkaavan nopeasti ja harkitsenkin vakavasti aikaistaa seuraavaa ostokierrosta, jos sama tahti jatkuu. No toistaiseksi odottelen jotakin signaalia ja kasailen kunnon pottia, josta voin hivuttaa rahaa markkinoille.
Kyllä mua hymyilyttää, koska heti kun aloitin sijoittamisen ja heti tuli ALE :) Eläkeikään on vielä noin 40 vuotta, joten en varmastikaan kadu ostoja joita teen seuraavan viiden vuoden aikana.
Uskon että lasku hidastuu lähiaikoina, koska luulen että FED ja EKP joutuvat laskemaan korkoja. Mitään selvää pelastusta ei kuitenkaan pankkisektorille ole vielä näköpiirissä, joten onkin kriittistä pystyvätkö yritykset hankkimaan rahoituksen jotakin muuta kautta.
Rough ride in financial markets is a dream come true for starting investor. Stocks are cheap and i have 40 years to my retirement. Short term bounce (or more like brake) is in sights when FED and ECB cut rates, but financial crisis is far from over after that. Critical question is how companies will get money to investments.
Kyllä mua hymyilyttää, koska heti kun aloitin sijoittamisen ja heti tuli ALE :) Eläkeikään on vielä noin 40 vuotta, joten en varmastikaan kadu ostoja joita teen seuraavan viiden vuoden aikana.
Uskon että lasku hidastuu lähiaikoina, koska luulen että FED ja EKP joutuvat laskemaan korkoja. Mitään selvää pelastusta ei kuitenkaan pankkisektorille ole vielä näköpiirissä, joten onkin kriittistä pystyvätkö yritykset hankkimaan rahoituksen jotakin muuta kautta.
Rough ride in financial markets is a dream come true for starting investor. Stocks are cheap and i have 40 years to my retirement. Short term bounce (or more like brake) is in sights when FED and ECB cut rates, but financial crisis is far from over after that. Critical question is how companies will get money to investments.
lauantai 4. lokakuuta 2008
Last post in english
sunnuntai 21. syyskuuta 2008
strategy for next 10 years (asia portion fixed)
I made a system for me to see how my investments correlate to my investing strategy and so far computer have given me this data.

So USA, Asia and dividend stocks are areas for me to make investments next. Note that my categories layer up. So stock or ETF can be in multiple categories.
Edit: Asia portion was wrong size in my program

So USA, Asia and dividend stocks are areas for me to make investments next. Note that my categories layer up. So stock or ETF can be in multiple categories.
Edit: Asia portion was wrong size in my program
perjantai 29. elokuuta 2008
Back with new report
Sorry that i have not been able to post anything for a while.
Durring that time i bought Done Solutions shares. Done has dropped a bit since my purchase, but company has not changed their forecast for the numbers(im happy :) )
So maybe i incerease my position in future, but for now i have chosen to wait.
Durring that time i bought Done Solutions shares. Done has dropped a bit since my purchase, but company has not changed their forecast for the numbers(im happy :) )
So maybe i incerease my position in future, but for now i have chosen to wait.

keskiviikko 23. heinäkuuta 2008
Teliasonera added to portfolio
So i have had Teliasonera a nordic telecommunications firm on my buy list for finnish stocks. However in reality is more swedish than finnish but because it also trades very active on OMXH, i counted it into my "finnish stocks and funds portion".
Teliasonera cover now 5,5% of my total portfolio which currently looks like this:
Teliasonera cover now 5,5% of my total portfolio which currently looks like this:
torstai 17. heinäkuuta 2008
More fixed income and started to buy in to finnish market
I moved some cash to seligson AAA fund before using it to buy stocks in couple of months. I also started to rebuild my position on finnish market by using seligson Suomi fund USA financials are looking tempting but i will wait more and decide then if will make some moves.
New portfolio percentages:
New portfolio percentages:

lauantai 12. heinäkuuta 2008
welcomed back from a vacation with bad market data
I came back from a vacation and noticed what beating markets and my portfolio had taken durring that time. My portfolio is now down about 6,5%. My next timed purchase is around quarter results in fall.
In fall i will concentrate on finnish stocks and ETFs. And before that i will put all extra coins to seligson AAA fund.
In fall i will concentrate on finnish stocks and ETFs. And before that i will put all extra coins to seligson AAA fund.
sunnuntai 29. kesäkuuta 2008
quarterly portfolio overview
My portfolio year to date performance
ishares Dow Jones US Oil Equipment +3,07%
DB X-trackers Brazil(ETF) -2,0%
DB X-trackers Emerging markets (ETF) -6.0%
Lyxor New Energy(ETF) -1,5%
Nordex(stock) -4.0%
Powershares Cleantech(ETF) +6.3%
Powershares Global clean energy(ETF) +9,6%
Market Vectors-Nuclear Energy(ETF) -3,8%
Fixed income +2,7%
Total +1,3%
It is not great but not bad either if you think how most markets are going
ishares Dow Jones US Oil Equipment +3,07%
DB X-trackers Brazil(ETF) -2,0%
DB X-trackers Emerging markets (ETF) -6.0%
Lyxor New Energy(ETF) -1,5%
Nordex(stock) -4.0%
Powershares Cleantech(ETF) +6.3%
Powershares Global clean energy(ETF) +9,6%
Market Vectors-Nuclear Energy(ETF) -3,8%
Fixed income +2,7%
Total +1,3%
It is not great but not bad either if you think how most markets are going
keskiviikko 25. kesäkuuta 2008
Reasons for oil not to go low
There are many reasons why oli is so high currently but the main reason is that demand for oil is high. I also believe that high demand in asia will keep prices up in the future. But there is also an other reason for high oil price in the future. oil is now high and therefore many oil companies have been drilling in areas that have been previously unprofitable. So basically this new oil is more expensive to drill and that means companies have to sell it also for high price.
I still think many oil services companies are undervalued comapared to expented earnings growth for next 12 months.
I still think many oil services companies are undervalued comapared to expented earnings growth for next 12 months.
high oil,
oil services and equipment
maanantai 23. kesäkuuta 2008
Oil services and equipment picking some steam
Today was a sad day on most markets, but my portfolio rose 0.3% thanks to IEZ oil services ETF which rose 3,6%. I thought about moving my emerging markets ETF money to IEZ. But because i want reduce my trading, i wont sell and just take a bit longer sight on emerging makrkets. IEZ looks tempting but i will wait for my nex timed purchase in september and think if that still seems to be the right move(i must stick to my plan)
Emerging markets and brazil are the only ones loosing value but my other investments are holding well or gaining a bit value.
This might be good opportunitu to also buy some ETFs with inverse makert return but i have chosen not to use them in my strategy and rather time my purchases better.
Tomorrow i will move most of my fixed income savings to seligson AAA money market fund.
Emerging markets and brazil are the only ones loosing value but my other investments are holding well or gaining a bit value.
This might be good opportunitu to also buy some ETFs with inverse makert return but i have chosen not to use them in my strategy and rather time my purchases better.
Tomorrow i will move most of my fixed income savings to seligson AAA money market fund.
fixed income,
oil services and equipment
torstai 19. kesäkuuta 2008
using itunes and some market analysis
Itunes is a music player that uses apple store fo buying songs. Itunes also feaure nice archive of free podcasts(including investing). So now that my podcast player is not working i recommend to use itunes like i do for listening those podcasts.
First you have to download itunes from here Then jus click store and browse to podcasts -> business or use search on left after accessing the store. Alternatively you can wind the web adress(URL) of the podcast and click advanced -> subscribe to podcast.
Markets are still going down but my powershares green ETFs are holding well against the main current. Now it seams i will wait couple of months before buying anything. So i am looking good buying possibilities and maybe exposure to russian and east european markets. My current forecast is that developed markets will go down slowly for the rest of the year. So i wont be investing in any major indices following ETFs.
First you have to download itunes from here Then jus click store and browse to podcasts -> business or use search on left after accessing the store. Alternatively you can wind the web adress(URL) of the podcast and click advanced -> subscribe to podcast.
Markets are still going down but my powershares green ETFs are holding well against the main current. Now it seams i will wait couple of months before buying anything. So i am looking good buying possibilities and maybe exposure to russian and east european markets. My current forecast is that developed markets will go down slowly for the rest of the year. So i wont be investing in any major indices following ETFs.
tiistai 17. kesäkuuta 2008
Calculating fixed income percentage
So today i continue my theme of fixed income and tell you my way of finding out percentage of fixed income to portfolio. Following calculations only give you an average so you still want to have more in fixed income in uncertain timesa and less when we are in bull market(markets going up for long term).
First you should plan how much on average you want to save from your sallary. I would safe at least 10% but that is for you to decide. Helping you to figure required numbers , there are investing calculators like this. So basically you just put the years when you want to have certain amount of money and monthl, amount of monthly investments, desired yearly return rate and you then get future amount of your investments. So play with those numbers until you get what you want. Average yerly return is somewhere between index returns of stockmarket and banks interest rates. I got 14% as my average yearly return which is high but i like a challenge :)
In following picture i will show you how to find out fixed income percentage using that number that you got from the calculator. You also want to have rough estimates of how much is yearly return rate of stocks and funds and fixed income.
And following calculations give you on an average so you still want to put more money to fixed income if economy is uncertain.
First you should plan how much on average you want to save from your sallary. I would safe at least 10% but that is for you to decide. Helping you to figure required numbers , there are investing calculators like this. So basically you just put the years when you want to have certain amount of money and monthl, amount of monthly investments, desired yearly return rate and you then get future amount of your investments. So play with those numbers until you get what you want. Average yerly return is somewhere between index returns of stockmarket and banks interest rates. I got 14% as my average yearly return which is high but i like a challenge :)
In following picture i will show you how to find out fixed income percentage using that number that you got from the calculator. You also want to have rough estimates of how much is yearly return rate of stocks and funds and fixed income.
And following calculations give you on an average so you still want to put more money to fixed income if economy is uncertain.

sunnuntai 15. kesäkuuta 2008
Fixed income and it's part imy investing strategy
I have not talked much about fixed income part of my portfolio but no plan to fix that. The reason why everyone should have fixed income, is to buffer the losses of stock market in uncertain economic times. Fixed income includes bonds, bank interes rates and other types of investment that you know you get fairly constant rate of return.
Because of young my age i will only have 50% or less of my portfolio in fixed income but when retirement comes more relevant, i will switch most of my money on fixed income.
Currenty i have only one asset in fixed income, a banck interrest rate linked to EURIBOR 12 month(365) currently yielding about 4.7% before tax. But after tax that only does about 3.4%. And that is the reason i will switch most of cash reserve to Seligson AAA money market fund which invest money to short(3 month) bank interest rates. So basically i just have to pay tax when i sell this fund and management costs are 0.18%/a. That fund also does not have surrender charge or buy-in-fee. Other benefit is the diversification to different highest rated finnish banks.
link to seligson
Because of young my age i will only have 50% or less of my portfolio in fixed income but when retirement comes more relevant, i will switch most of my money on fixed income.
Currenty i have only one asset in fixed income, a banck interrest rate linked to EURIBOR 12 month(365) currently yielding about 4.7% before tax. But after tax that only does about 3.4%. And that is the reason i will switch most of cash reserve to Seligson AAA money market fund which invest money to short(3 month) bank interest rates. So basically i just have to pay tax when i sell this fund and management costs are 0.18%/a. That fund also does not have surrender charge or buy-in-fee. Other benefit is the diversification to different highest rated finnish banks.
link to seligson
torstai 12. kesäkuuta 2008
still value in markets and investing podcast player is dead
I noticed Doug fabian wealt strategies is not using feed that properly works with yahoo pipes and my player. That said i will remove my investing podcast player at least for now and only give links list to my favourite investing podcasts.
There is a reasonable amount of fear in markets now and Finnish HEX hit new lowest point for over a year. Now that some say markets are going lower because of "new oli crisis" i see no sense in enviromental ETFs losing value. So there is still value in markets , you just have digg more deep to find it. And i still think oil and gas service sector is good bet when everybody rushing to find oil and gas on new places durring these times of high prices.
There is a reasonable amount of fear in markets now and Finnish HEX hit new lowest point for over a year. Now that some say markets are going lower because of "new oli crisis" i see no sense in enviromental ETFs losing value. So there is still value in markets , you just have digg more deep to find it. And i still think oil and gas service sector is good bet when everybody rushing to find oil and gas on new places durring these times of high prices.
Podcast player
tiistai 10. kesäkuuta 2008
Markets going down
It is now quite clear markets will go lower and shorts seem to be only etfs working. I am not worred if my portfolio goes down even 15% and i will continue my plan to be increasing my portfolio this year. I think green ETF sector has alredy shown good profits from companies and i tihnk i should me quite safe with those. If green ETFs go lower, i will increase their portion if good opportunities emerge.
This down stream of global markets will go aat least to 1st quarter next year if noting special happens.(if we think USA economy is the main reason)
This down stream of global markets will go aat least to 1st quarter next year if noting special happens.(if we think USA economy is the main reason)
lauantai 7. kesäkuuta 2008
Easy ETF analyses by Gary
The ETF expert podcast is one of my favourite investing podcasts. It focuses on one thing only, ETFs and there is no useless chitchat. ETF Expert podcast is produced by Gary Gordon,The President of Pacific Park Financial. His podcast is also found in my podcast player.
Gary also has a great blog titled ETF Expert which follows topics of his podcast. Nearly every statement of the blog comes with some facts or charts to compare different information. Gary manages money for his living but there is no self advertising hidden in the blog topics. So basically i engourage every one interest in ETFs to pay a visit to ETF Expert blog
But in some case you end up talking to Gary, please let him know where did you learn about his blog and podcast.
Gary also has a great blog titled ETF Expert which follows topics of his podcast. Nearly every statement of the blog comes with some facts or charts to compare different information. Gary manages money for his living but there is no self advertising hidden in the blog topics. So basically i engourage every one interest in ETFs to pay a visit to ETF Expert blog
But in some case you end up talking to Gary, please let him know where did you learn about his blog and podcast.
perjantai 6. kesäkuuta 2008
Nuclear energy ETF bought
So i bought Market Vectors-Nuclear Energy ETF (NLR) to my portfolio. I believe nuclear energy is the way how BRIC countries will try reduce their CO2 emissions and i think i should also have some nuclear energy on my portfolio.Because purchase of NLR, portfolio average gain percentage went from 9,4% to 7,3%

Nuclear energy
maanantai 2. kesäkuuta 2008
Dividends revinvesting ETFs
Total return net ETFs mean they reinvest dividends to ETF. In other words it might say "Use of profits: Capitalizing" or something similar. The main advantage is with taxation compared to if dividends are distributed normally. In Finland capital gains tax rate is 28% and of course if you hold ETF with reinvesting policy, you save a lot of money with this tax benefit.
My brazil and emerging markets ETFs from DB x-trackers are these type of TRN ETFs and will favor them in the future too.
So far it looks like rebalancing is not needed for my portlofio and will buy something new in this month if nothing special happens. Most likely if will think of buying MSCI EM EMEA TRN INDEX ETF by DB X-trackers.
I had to put moderation to commenting because some people were trying use it as ad space. So if you are willing to advertise on my blog, use google adsense.
My brazil and emerging markets ETFs from DB x-trackers are these type of TRN ETFs and will favor them in the future too.
So far it looks like rebalancing is not needed for my portlofio and will buy something new in this month if nothing special happens. Most likely if will think of buying MSCI EM EMEA TRN INDEX ETF by DB X-trackers.
I had to put moderation to commenting because some people were trying use it as ad space. So if you are willing to advertise on my blog, use google adsense.
sunnuntai 25. toukokuuta 2008
About Adsense and near future of my portfolio
I have advertising using google adsense on my blog and i think you know that already. Basically adsense is a software that directs ads that match content on my blog and i get money if people click this ads. So far ads have been quite close to topic and adsense has worked nicely. I do not think i will earn too much with adsense but if i get a reasonable sum of money i will hold a poll how should i invest them.
I am now enjoying my(short) vacation and my investing hobby is a also on "sleep mode". Current plan is to gather money from my monthly investmet saving portions and build my cash reserve for some time. If nothing special happens i will use that money for rebalancing my portfolio in next three months or buy some new equities if rebalancing is not needed.
I am now enjoying my(short) vacation and my investing hobby is a also on "sleep mode". Current plan is to gather money from my monthly investmet saving portions and build my cash reserve for some time. If nothing special happens i will use that money for rebalancing my portfolio in next three months or buy some new equities if rebalancing is not needed.
perjantai 23. toukokuuta 2008
Problem with investing podcast player
I have problem with podcast player to get all the feed and currently i am working on the problem.
sorry for inconvenience
EDIT: It works now :)
And bug with 23th of may sound invesing podcast is with their servers(likely to fixed shortly)
sorry for inconvenience
EDIT: It works now :)
And bug with 23th of may sound invesing podcast is with their servers(likely to fixed shortly)
tiistai 20. toukokuuta 2008
IEZ oil services & equipment bought
I added IEZ oil services etf that i mentioned earlier to my portfolio. I also sold amanda capital to free up some money for good buying opportunities. Markets are now backing up after steep climb durring last ten days. Now i think i do not have anything on my portfolio that i should be greatly worried for next 6 months, but of course you never know eventually might happen.
New percentages:
DB X-trackers Brazil(ETF) 16.5%
DB X-trackers Emerging markets (ETF) 9.5%
Lyxor New Energy(ETF) 12.3%
Nordex(stock) 9.7%
Powershares Cleantech(ETF) 9.0%
Powershares Global clean energy(ETF) 20.6%
iShares Dow Jones US Oil Equipment Index(ETF) 8.3%
New percentages:
DB X-trackers Brazil(ETF) 16.5%
DB X-trackers Emerging markets (ETF) 9.5%
Lyxor New Energy(ETF) 12.3%
Nordex(stock) 9.7%
Powershares Cleantech(ETF) 9.0%
Powershares Global clean energy(ETF) 20.6%
iShares Dow Jones US Oil Equipment Index(ETF) 8.3%
maanantai 19. toukokuuta 2008
Oil services and equipment industry gains from high oil prices
Oil services and equipment industry will have positive gain if current oil prices remain or go higher. One of main reasons is that there is a lot more profitable places to drill oil now and it is ok to do bit more effort to get the black gold.
So i will invest next to oil services and equipment industry likely with IEZ that i mentioned earlier. Basically i believe days of cheap oil are over.
I would have already bought it today but i had to change some euros to dollars first and it takse about a day with nordnet.
I will post new portfolio percentages next time.
EDIT: Amanda capital might have go because i would like to free up more money to current rally and amanda is just siting duck.
So i will invest next to oil services and equipment industry likely with IEZ that i mentioned earlier. Basically i believe days of cheap oil are over.
I would have already bought it today but i had to change some euros to dollars first and it takse about a day with nordnet.
I will post new portfolio percentages next time.
EDIT: Amanda capital might have go because i would like to free up more money to current rally and amanda is just siting duck.
high oil,
oil services and equipment
lauantai 17. toukokuuta 2008
3rd quarter investing ideas for 2008
Some say 3rd quarter will a turning point for economy, but direction is a bit uncertain. My opinion is that big banks won't have much bad bombs to drop and we will not see big decline but more like steady growth. Remember that main problem of US economy still exists, people have too much debt. That is the reason why i think certain sectors like "luxury item" retailers will be in trouble for at least a year to come. There will likely be spike in hifi electronis etc. when tax returns come. I would encourage american people to think if really need to buy new TV now or should they safe for growing normal living expenses for later times.
On global view things are not looking too bad. Brazil is going well after oil discoveries and other good wind have blowing there lately. Even Standard & Poor's upgraded Brazil's long-term foreign currency sovereign debt to investment-grade this year. Brazil has already quite good portion of my portfolio, so i won't be making new investments to brazil in 3rd quarter.
Other good territory might be russia and and it's former satellite countries. Russia seems to have got the most western friendly president for sometime. Still there is still risk in certain areas that goverment thinks are vital to national security like energy.
Asia is still a place have some portion of your portfolio, but now i would look more countries like singapore, malaysia, indonesia more than china or india. Japan is also now still quite low and there might be good oportunies when things go even better in US.
My next investment are likely to be some of these:
Oil service and equipment ETF, like "IEZ"
Norwegian multisector giant, ORKLA
iShares MSCI Eastern Europe 10/40 ETF
HealthShares Diagnostics "HHD"
Outotec and Larox at OMXH
As side note i have been commented to have bad english. So sorry about that but i am still learning.
On global view things are not looking too bad. Brazil is going well after oil discoveries and other good wind have blowing there lately. Even Standard & Poor's upgraded Brazil's long-term foreign currency sovereign debt to investment-grade this year. Brazil has already quite good portion of my portfolio, so i won't be making new investments to brazil in 3rd quarter.
Other good territory might be russia and and it's former satellite countries. Russia seems to have got the most western friendly president for sometime. Still there is still risk in certain areas that goverment thinks are vital to national security like energy.
Asia is still a place have some portion of your portfolio, but now i would look more countries like singapore, malaysia, indonesia more than china or india. Japan is also now still quite low and there might be good oportunies when things go even better in US.
My next investment are likely to be some of these:
Oil service and equipment ETF, like "IEZ"
Norwegian multisector giant, ORKLA
iShares MSCI Eastern Europe 10/40 ETF
HealthShares Diagnostics "HHD"
Outotec and Larox at OMXH
As side note i have been commented to have bad english. So sorry about that but i am still learning.
torstai 15. toukokuuta 2008
Sunways's sales increased 80% and i still sold the shares
As headline suggests i sold my sunways stocks after earnings report. Sales were much higher than at the same time last year, but profitability got weaker significantly. The reason was much higer raw material costs of silicon. Huge demand makes silicon prices go up and smaller companies suffer the most with narrower margins. The other reason is that there are no companies making solar grade silicon which would be cheaper than they use nowdays.
I sold sunways stocks at 7.13€ and share price is currently about 7€. I made about 3% loss with sunways. All investors have to have guts to sell sometimes in red if you know share is going lower or you think it is time to sell.
So who profits on high silicon prices then? One step up are wafer manufacturers that are reporting good earnings, like LDK solar. So one logical step would be to buy LDK stocks instead. But for now i will look for while where markets are going. The other thing i learned in addition to selling in red is that stock picking is not easy. Though there is an easy solution called ETF. So might buy solar ETF, like ticker: TAN to get growth from solar panel industry without risk of individual stock.
My post is alredy too long so i spare my possible 3rd quater investing ideas for next time.
I sold sunways stocks at 7.13€ and share price is currently about 7€. I made about 3% loss with sunways. All investors have to have guts to sell sometimes in red if you know share is going lower or you think it is time to sell.
So who profits on high silicon prices then? One step up are wafer manufacturers that are reporting good earnings, like LDK solar. So one logical step would be to buy LDK stocks instead. But for now i will look for while where markets are going. The other thing i learned in addition to selling in red is that stock picking is not easy. Though there is an easy solution called ETF. So might buy solar ETF, like ticker: TAN to get growth from solar panel industry without risk of individual stock.
My post is alredy too long so i spare my possible 3rd quater investing ideas for next time.
tiistai 13. toukokuuta 2008
Nice rise from green stocks and brazil
Today my portfolio leaped 2% from yesterdays numbers. Total gain being now about 4.1% form march. Persentages are not totally correct because i have been inceresing my exposure to ETFs and stock in past month(so persentage number would be higher without new invesments)
Biggest gainer today were Nordex and sunways. I can understand why sunways rise but nordex can not be explained by market calendar events. But i do not complain :) Anyways i expect sunways to hit about 7.6€ if first quater is positeve and about 6.8€ if negative.
Most insitutions suggest a target price at least 9 € for sunways in this year. Well i have re-eavuate my position if that goal is achieved. But for now in B&H also for this stock.
Sunways first quater earnigs will come 15th of may.
Also Brazil etf made some nice effort gaining about 2%.
In the next post i will share my ideas where i am thinking of investing in third quater.
Biggest gainer today were Nordex and sunways. I can understand why sunways rise but nordex can not be explained by market calendar events. But i do not complain :) Anyways i expect sunways to hit about 7.6€ if first quater is positeve and about 6.8€ if negative.
Most insitutions suggest a target price at least 9 € for sunways in this year. Well i have re-eavuate my position if that goal is achieved. But for now in B&H also for this stock.
Sunways first quater earnigs will come 15th of may.
Also Brazil etf made some nice effort gaining about 2%.
In the next post i will share my ideas where i am thinking of investing in third quater.
sunnuntai 11. toukokuuta 2008
Investing podcast player and search bar
As you might have already noticed, i have two new features on my blog.
Investing podcast player is a tool that links three investing podcast feeds into single player.
Current streams fed to my player:
Doug Fabian’s Wealth Strategies
APM: Marketplace
Gary Gordon's The ETF Expert Radio Podcast
So now you and I don't have surf all over internet to listen these podcasts.
CLICK AUDIO FIRST, then select a show and press play.
Second thing is a search bar wich is normal google search. Reason for this is to have quicker access to google after user and i have finnished reading/listening.
I will have a poll about search bar's functionality shortly.
But if you have idea what to put on my blog or how to do things differently, please feel free to leave comments.
Investing podcast player is a tool that links three investing podcast feeds into single player.
Current streams fed to my player:
Doug Fabian’s Wealth Strategies
APM: Marketplace
Gary Gordon's The ETF Expert Radio Podcast
So now you and I don't have surf all over internet to listen these podcasts.
CLICK AUDIO FIRST, then select a show and press play.
Second thing is a search bar wich is normal google search. Reason for this is to have quicker access to google after user and i have finnished reading/listening.
I will have a poll about search bar's functionality shortly.
But if you have idea what to put on my blog or how to do things differently, please feel free to leave comments.
Podcast player
perjantai 9. toukokuuta 2008
more information = better view
Pocasts are good source of information but they do not provide live information. Bloomberg is good TV channel to get live opinions about markets. But what to do if there are no Bloomberg TV like business channels in you TV network? My advice is to get TVU-player which allows you to watch numerous channels for free.(including Bloomberg)
In addition to TV channels and podcasts i visit websites like and to get more deep view to things. Internet forums are also place to get more opinions but currently im only writing/reading finnish forums
This week markets backed a little and my portfolio fell from +2.10% to +1.9%.
Next event that i look forward to is sunways 1st quater earnings report coming 15th of may. Last year sunways revenue increased 40% and i expect strong growth also for this year.
In addition to TV channels and podcasts i visit websites like and to get more deep view to things. Internet forums are also place to get more opinions but currently im only writing/reading finnish forums
This week markets backed a little and my portfolio fell from +2.10% to +1.9%.
Next event that i look forward to is sunways 1st quater earnings report coming 15th of may. Last year sunways revenue increased 40% and i expect strong growth also for this year.
bloomberg TV on your pc
tiistai 6. toukokuuta 2008
Slow start to week
Markets got slow start to week major indecies retaining their value within +/-0.2%. I increased my brazil etf today to cover 16.5% of my portfolio.
Portfolio percentages:
Amanda Capital(stock) 11,7%
DB X-trackers Brazil(ETF) 16.5%
DB X-trackers Emerging markets (ETF) 9.9%
Lyxor New Energy(ETF) 12.3%
Nordex(stock) 9.0%
Powershares Cleantech(ETF) 9.0%
Powershares Global clean energy(ETF) 19.9%
Sunways(stock) 11.0%
EDIT: (7.5.2008) DB X-trackers Brazil was trading up to 53,72€ at frankvurt today. If that holds i basiclly doubled my earnings for this equity with that last purchase. But note that NAV is currently only 51,3€.
Portfolio percentages:
Amanda Capital(stock) 11,7%
DB X-trackers Brazil(ETF) 16.5%
DB X-trackers Emerging markets (ETF) 9.9%
Lyxor New Energy(ETF) 12.3%
Nordex(stock) 9.0%
Powershares Cleantech(ETF) 9.0%
Powershares Global clean energy(ETF) 19.9%
Sunways(stock) 11.0%
EDIT: (7.5.2008) DB X-trackers Brazil was trading up to 53,72€ at frankvurt today. If that holds i basiclly doubled my earnings for this equity with that last purchase. But note that NAV is currently only 51,3€.
sunnuntai 4. toukokuuta 2008
Investing podcasts
Podcasts are an easy way get information and there a few about investing also. All podcast are not good, but there are some that are very good. So podacasts are one of my ways keep up with market information and to learn new things about investing and money management.
Investing podcasts that i listen:
Doug Fabian’s Wealth Strategies
Sound Investing
APM: Marketplace
Investing podcasts that i listen:
Doug Fabian’s Wealth Strategies
Sound Investing
APM: Marketplace
perjantai 2. toukokuuta 2008
Now markets seem to be rising for while. This friday was especially strong for my Brazilian ETF it gaining over 8%. My Powershares clean ETFs have both rised ~9 % from what i bought them. Sunways is down currently -9,6% ,but i expect good result from first quater and now i am looking good oportunities to buy more sunways. Other ticker that is on red is Amada capital but it paid 9,6% dividends and it is only down 8,27%, so I am in green still for that stock for portfolio capital.
15:09 GMT +2 my portfolio has risen to +1,93%
15:09 GMT +2 my portfolio has risen to +1,93%
lauantai 26. huhtikuuta 2008
First post
My First blog :) The main inspiration for me starting an investing blog came after reading Wyatt Earpin sijoituspäiväkirja. Im also a finnish bloke like Wyatt but i decided to write in english for practising my skills with the language. I also have a higher change to get readers and more starting investors might find some of my findings usefull. I will try to update here what changes i have made to my portfolio once a week.
So i recently started my more active investing with stocks and ETFs. First i had to choose a broker. First i narrowed my alternatives down to EQ and Nordnet. Nordnet is the cheaper but EQ offers more services. When i planned what i need from broker, i found Nordnet to satisfy my needs.
My strategy is to buy more stocks and ETF at steady phase for couple of years. Now i have bought these securities:
Amanda Capital (stock)
DB X-trackers Brazil (ETF)
DB X-trackers Emerging markets (ETF)
Lyxor New Energy (ETF)
Nordex (stock)
Powershares Cleantech (ETF)
Powershares Global clean energy (ETF)
Sunways (stock)
Amanda capital is a capital investing company so that will give me some diversification and durring last year they have paid quite good dividends also.
DB X-trackers Brazil will(hopefully) give me some of the wealth of this growing country in south america. A month after i bought this, Brazil found more oli so it is not looking too bad.
Lyxor New Energy , Powershares Cleantech and Powershares Global clean energy are ETFs,Exchange-traded funds of renewable energy and other clean technology. I think i do not have to tell you why i think these etfs currently good investments. BTW Powershares Cleantech has currently a bit more reasonable Price/earnings ration than most "clean" ETFs.
Nordex is wind turbine manufacturer from germany. And Sunways builds solar energy systems and makes inverters for solar energy. These companies are not too overpriced they might give better results over time than those ETFs.
I learned that a lucrative buying time for a single stock is after dividends dip. I learned that with Amanda and stock fell 14% after dividends. This is not a rule but in most cases stock will drop after dividends.
So i recently started my more active investing with stocks and ETFs. First i had to choose a broker. First i narrowed my alternatives down to EQ and Nordnet. Nordnet is the cheaper but EQ offers more services. When i planned what i need from broker, i found Nordnet to satisfy my needs.
My strategy is to buy more stocks and ETF at steady phase for couple of years. Now i have bought these securities:
Amanda Capital (stock)
DB X-trackers Brazil (ETF)
DB X-trackers Emerging markets (ETF)
Lyxor New Energy (ETF)
Nordex (stock)
Powershares Cleantech (ETF)
Powershares Global clean energy (ETF)
Sunways (stock)
Amanda capital is a capital investing company so that will give me some diversification and durring last year they have paid quite good dividends also.
DB X-trackers Brazil will(hopefully) give me some of the wealth of this growing country in south america. A month after i bought this, Brazil found more oli so it is not looking too bad.
Lyxor New Energy , Powershares Cleantech and Powershares Global clean energy are ETFs,Exchange-traded funds of renewable energy and other clean technology. I think i do not have to tell you why i think these etfs currently good investments. BTW Powershares Cleantech has currently a bit more reasonable Price/earnings ration than most "clean" ETFs.
Nordex is wind turbine manufacturer from germany. And Sunways builds solar energy systems and makes inverters for solar energy. These companies are not too overpriced they might give better results over time than those ETFs.
I learned that a lucrative buying time for a single stock is after dividends dip. I learned that with Amanda and stock fell 14% after dividends. This is not a rule but in most cases stock will drop after dividends.
Blogitekstit (Atom)